Tuesday 20 March 2018

Alternative Uses for Full Bed Sheets

You probably have some old bed sheets laying around, but you just do not know what to do with them. You may even have some newer sheets that you do not want to get rid of, but do not want to just leave sitting in the closet. There are plenty of uses for full bed sheets that you probably have never considered, so there truly is no need to throw them away.

Exciting uses for full bed sheets

If you recently replaced your sheets and are looking for the perfect use for your old ones, try making them into curtains. This works especially well if you did not change the color scheme of the room since presumably your old sheets matched your room. You probably need a sewing machine to do this well, and you need to know how to measure, cut and hem material. Look for patterns online. The process is really quite simple. You can even make curtains out of new sheets that you like and save some money on the cost of expensive matching curtains. Dog bed covers make good uses for full bed sheets. Making a dog bed cover also requires a little sewing; you have to put elastic into the sheet so that you can pull it on and off of the dog bed with ease.

Other uses around the home

The ideas for alternative uses for your old sheets are endless. If you really like the pattern and it matches your kitchen, you can sew them into tablecloths. For a really fun look, you can use two different sheets to create a reversible tablecloth. If all of these ideas sound like too much effort, do not worry. There are plenty of things you can do with sheets that require no sewing whatsoever. Use them as drop cloths when you paint. Throw them over your car seats when the kids are muddy and need a ride home. You could even cut two eye holes in a sheet and use it as a ghost costume, though a very unoriginal one at that. Solid-colored bed sheets can also form the base of many different children's craft projects, including painted murals or dress-up clothes.

There is truly no reason to just throw away your old bed sheets. If you find a pattern you like at the store, you can do any of these things with new sheets, too. Bed sheets can do far more than just protect your bed.

tajpak.com is the premier site on the web for all your bed sheet needs. From full bed sheets to queen or king size, whether for adults, children or the elderly, tajpak.com can help you find the best sheets for all your needs.

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